Hello everyone! We’re so excited to be posting our first update in our Live Out Hope journey. Download a PDF version of this month’s newsletter by clicking below.
The Trip
Live Out Hope is sending Benji to travel to Ethiopia and meet with the village! His goals are to:
- Connect with the local operations team
- Gather visual media of the location and the people
- Meet with local leaders
- Confirm local needs
- Capture personal stories
Non Profit News
We are in the early stages of establishing Live Out Hope. Here are some of the things we are currently working on:
- Incorporating
- Applying for 501(c)(3) status
- Establishing our board or directors
- Designing our brand
- Sharing our vision
Just For Fun
Elilta: እልልታ
Elilta is a word that describes a cultural way of expressing celebration, happiness, or praise to the Lord in Ethiopia. The sound is a high and fast repetition of the ‘loo” sound. It is also meant to express general excitement. You may even sometimes hear audiences use Elilta in place of clapping.
Benji, Biny, or Binyam?
Benji’s real name is “Binyam” which translated into English is “Benjamin”. But, ever since he moved to Israel, he let people call him “Benji” due to how many European and American tour groups struggled with his Amharic name “Binyam”. Even with our best efforts to introduce him as “Biny” in America, it seems “Benji” has stuck with us in the long run.