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Children with Big Hearts
BENJI PLAYS A GAME WITH KIDS IN THE VILLAGE – A few days in a row now, I have been waking up around 4:00 am and have been going to bed really late. This morning, I woke up again at 4:30 am and bought some breakfast for our crew before we drove up the mountain to meet with the village. I bought a Red Bull for myself for energy, and I put it in the car. As we drove up the mountain, we saw kids from the village playing in the street. When they see us, they run to the car and surround us because they’ve seen us here for the past couple of days now. I want to give them something, but I don’t have any cash on me. The only thing I have to give is my Red Bull. So, I make them play a game.
“There’s a number I’m thinking of between 1 and 10. Everybody gets a chance to guess the number I’m thinking of. Whoever calls it out first, gets the Red Bull,” I say.
One kid yells, “3!” I say, “no.”
A second kid yells, “5!” I say “no” again.
After that everybody starts shouting numbers, “2!” “8!” “9!” And then, one of the kids called the number I was thinking of. I hear this little guy say, “7!” And I give him the Red Bull.
The winner opens the can and takes a sip. He hands it to his friend who takes another sip. Then, I watch as everybody takes one single sip of Red Bull before it’s gone. In my world, winners take their prizes home to enjoy it, but in their world, whoever wins, wins for the team.
Then, they surround the car and tell me, “Thank you for the Red Bull. Now, take as much time as you like, and we will guard your car the whole day if you’re going to be here the whole day, Nobody will touch your car because we’ll be here to guard it.” I smiled and told them they didn’t have to do that. But to my surprise, when we got back, after hours of working with the crew, there they were, sitting around my car.
They Need Our Help
It’s been a sobering three weeks in Ethiopia. There are hungry children, back breaking work, and so many people that need support. However, the mothers of the tribe said if a school is built there for their children, it would solve the majority of their problems. Not only will their kids get schooling for free, they would be able to work for the school and be able to rest a little from carrying the wood on their backs.
Please pray for God’s hand to be with these families.
Israel News – Progress on Opening the School
We are opening a Hebrew and tech literacy school for the Ethiopian Jewish community in Haifa, Israel. It is our goal to provide the parents in the community with Hebrew language education and their kids with an opportunity to learn tech literacy in a community that will encourage them to know about Christ. These kids will also have the chance to launch themselves into higher paying jobs that can support both themselves and their parents.
Where we are now:
We have found space for the classrooms, and they are ready to be used! Students are being registered for the classes, and we are praying for Christ-inspired teachers to hire at the school.
School supplies needed:
- Christ-inspired teachers
- 50 Computers
- 50 Chairs
- 5 Tables
- School Supplies (white boards, markers, paper, pencils, etc.)
Non Profit News
We are filed for incorporation and we should be hearing back on acceptance soon!
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27